What I Listened To: WILT_2022-14

A playlist of songs that intrigued me from Sunday to Saturday. Week of 3 Apr 2022 to 9 Apr 2022.


  1. Feather – Ishmael Ensemble
  2. The Doctrines of Swedenborg – Hieroglyphic Being, Sarathy Korwar, Shabaka Hutchings
  3. Loosed – Ill Considered
  4. Theme 002 – Jaimie Branch
  5. theme 001 – Jaimie Branch
  6. First Light – Ishmael Ensemble
  7. Fractuals – Chelsea Carmichael
  8. Bone And Soil – Chelsea Carmichael
  9. Mustard – Ben Marc
  10. Breathe Improv A – Ben Marc
  11. Solo? Repeat! – Anne Müller
  12. Nummer 2 – Anne Müller

Hyperlink to Spotify playlist: WILT_2022-14


What a great list this week. I consciously sought out the world of jazz, mainly due to some conversations I was having with new people that I had met over the previous weekend. I am excited to bring the worlds of Chelsea Carmichael, and Jaimie Branch into your orbits, musicians who have very bold ideas and expressions that they convey through their music. Bone And Soil in particular I breathe in, and fill my lungs with the melancholy presented in the fog of notes.

The selections from Ishmael Ensemble also represent some of the very beautiful soundscapes that I think the band is capable of, as well as the excitement that is generated through their constraint without launching into the frenzy and free form that we sometimes associate with jazz.

The Doctrines of Swedenborg by Hieroglyphic Being, Sarathy Korwar, and Shabaka Hutchings, as well as Loosed by Ill Considered combine many other sonic cultures and ideas into their vision of music.

Breathe Improv A by Ben Marc is a daring improvisation on the double bass, with bowed elements, fingerstyle, and a unsettling spoken word performance with a children’s ensemble. Music is an idea, and sometimes that is all you need.

We end off with music by Anne Müller, a german composer-cellist who plays with a subtle emotion of watching the leaves fall, and you taste the slight breeze passing through the hairs on your arm.