What I Listened To: WILT_2022-51


A playlist of songs that intrigued me from Sunday to Saturday. Week of 18 Dec 2022 to 24 Dec 2022.

  1. Last Chance – Thornato, The Spy From Cairo
  2. Tinned Tomaters – Dwyer
  3. A Gentle Acaba (Vento Em Rosa) – Alabaster DePlume
  4. The Trembling of Glass – Rachika Nayar
  5. Clouds – Resavoir
  6. You Make Me Care More – Sofie Birch, Johan Carøe
  7. Intro – Ishmael Ensemble
  8. Instants – Skúli Sverrisson
  9. Cutty – North Americans
  10. Off Om – Jeff Parker
  11. Musings – linanthem
  12. Four Folks – Jeff Parker

Hyperlink to Spotify playlist: WILT_2022-51


Part of the stress and anxiety of putting these lists together over the past one hundred and seventeen weeks has been about finding new things to say about music. I mean, you get it right? I like music, and I describe it in certain ways. Sometimes it seems inspired, a lot of times it feels insipid. And while it may not be the reader’s expectation to read lyrical wax about music or musings, it is something that inadvertently plagues me, seeing as I am the compiler of these lists, and these thoughts. Dare I not bother about what the reader thinks about these words?

That might very much be true, since I started this process as a form of experimentation and catharsis, as such, I should allow myself room to fail and room to flail. Even at the worst of times, when there’s nothing to say, write, think, feel, or do. 

So here I am, still happy to be listening to music and happy to be sharing these lists with you, but slightly jaded with the way I have been writing about them. The past few weeks have felt derivative, as well as pompous in justifying why the songs made the list. The short simple answer is that I like the way these songs sound in some shape, form, or concept, and there are only so many ways I can say the same thing ten different times. Perhaps I do need to expand my vocabulary and knowledge of things to be able to better articulate myself again, and perhaps that is something I will explore more for myself in the new year. 

And so I leave you with this week’s playlist, a fair amount were further explorations into the previous week’s list, and a deeper exploration into this current one as well. It’s more instrumental and ambient in nature, and if I dare say rather gorgeous for meditations and introspection.