What I Listened To: WILT_2023-40


A playlist of songs that intrigued me from Sunday to Saturday. Week of 1 Oct 2023 to 7 Oct 2023.

  1. Gualainn (Original Mix) – Lord Of The Isles
  2. la route des étoiles – RAMZi
  3. SUBCITY – jus jusert
  4. Maye – Anja Lauvdal
  6. Electric Funk – TOAB
  7. 90s Dreams – Flow Clark
  8. Emperor – Dive Reflex Service
  9. WEI / 未 – LI YILEI
  10. All I Need – Lord Of The Isles
  11. A Discovery – Lord Of The Isles, Ellen Renton
  12. Intro – Shed

Hyperlink to Spotify playlist: WILT_2023-40


As I come and go,

Never through a window, always by the door.

Watching, waiting, gentle like the wind a presence stiller than air, darker than night and colder than death.

I wanted to start this week’s playlist with the new EP by Lord Of The Isles and Ellen Renton, My Noise Is Nothing, but I needed to sit with it for a lot more time before I could decide how best to approach listening.

Time I did not particularly have to dedicate toward the act of listening as work responsibilities demanded by attention in many other areas other than the luxury of entering a flow state accompanied with just my music.

So the entire EP came and went, one commute after another, one task flowing to the next. The algorithm became a crutch as interesting sound after interesting sound came and went and I hesitantly filed each song for further listening.

But I wanted to build toward something, an understanding of why the collaboration between Lord Of The Isles and Ellen Renton fascinates me so much. Renton’s performative voice is extremely alluring to me as a listener, and has become the vehicle where I want to listen to the words, where lyrics have stopped being commodities in my appreciation of music, but have an added weight now that the form is poetry. 

And thus, this particular journey of listening takes us through realms of ambient soundscapes and closes with A Discovery from My Noise Is Nothing, to help us discover the magical nature of pairing words and music through the abundance of delivery, and how that concept can stir the emotional and mental state of the listener.