What I Listened To: WILT_2023-43


A playlist of songs that intrigued me from Sunday to Saturday. Week of 22 Oct 2023 to 28 Oct 2023.

  1. Ellerin Hani – Kutiman, Melike Şahin
  2. My Everything – Kutiman, Dekel
  3. Shine Again – Kutiman, Adam Scheflan, Karolina
  4. No Reason For You – Kutiman
  5. Fresh Haze – Kutiman
  6. Mix Tel Aviv – Kutiman
  7. Music Is Ruling My World – Kutiman
  8. The Moon (Kutiman Remix Version A) – Morcheeba, Kutiman
  9. The Moon – Morcheeba
  10. Never Undo – Morcheeba
  11. Blaze Away – Morcheeba
  12. Set YouR Sails – Morcheeba
  13. A Kiss Before Dying – Still Corners

Hyperlink to Spotify playlist: WILT_2023-43


I have been in recovery this week after my surgery last week to remove my gallbladder. In that time I kept a simple recovery journal tracking the food and medication I took, as well as the frequency and type of poos I was having. If anything, it was a simple way of staying accountable and abreast of what I was consuming and processing out from my body. This was important because while the gallbladder is not a vital organ of the digestive system it is part of the system nonetheless and being able to track either progress or regress was more beneficial than being ignorant of my own recovery process.

In that sense, journalling for anything else probably achieves similar results for those of us who enjoy reflection and self-actualisation. It is a simple tool to provide data for our otherwise meandering minds when they take on a journey of wonderment at how we arrived at certain stages in our life. Of course this applies to this listening project as well, as I was originally curious about both how, what, and why I consumed music and I do feel like a spiritually richer person for knowing this about myself. I do think the next step is the application of this knowledge, but we’ll see how that journey shapes itself it in the future, not today.

I was not actually listening to much music this week as I was quite engrossed in playing Star Wars Jedi: Survivor as I finally had time to sink into this game. However, through Facebook Memory surfacing a video link that I shared more than a decade ago, I was able to discover that Kutiman, the creator of the video The Mother of all Funk Chords actually had a very interesting career and discography. In this playlist, I present some standouts that I came across, and what really caught my attention was his sense of warmth and unity when it comes to presenting his sample-based music. However, Kutiman also has a very nuanced sense toward music production as can be heard in Ellerin Hani and his remix for Morcheeba’s The Moon.

Speaking of Morcheeba, this was also a time to rediscover their music as I was not really into their brand of brit-electronica from the late nineties and early 2000s, but their later discography demonstrates a growth in their musical sensibilities combining influences from dub, jazz, soul and r&b, yet somehow still making it their own. Skye Edwards also looks effortlessly cool in all their photographs.