Tag: Fleetwood Mac

What I Listened To: WILT_2023-19

A playlist of songs that intrigued me from Sunday to Saturday. Week of 7 May 2023 to 13 May 2023. Featuring music by Jonah Yano, High Pulp, KNOWER, weish, Puppy Ri0t, Pigeon, black midi…

What I Listened To: WILT_2022-48

A playlist of songs that intrigued me from Sunday to Saturday. Week of 27 Nov 2022 to 3 Dec 2022. Featuring music by Bremer/McCoy, Jon Hopkins, Floating Points, Oscar Jerome, Louis VI, Fleetwood Mac…

What I Listened To: WILT_2020-04

A playlist of songs that intrigued me from Sunday to Saturday. Week of 18 Oct 2020 to 24 Oct 2020. Featuring songs by Nina Simone, Sean Kuti, Teegan and Sara, Fleetwood Mac, Cocteau Twins, Gabríel Ólafs, Niklas Paschburg…